Lightfair International

Lightfair International is the world’s largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference.  LFI blends continuing education courses with innovative products ranging from high-end design to cutting-edge technology.  This event sets the global stage for innovation across the great spectrum of lighting solutions.  Lightfair will take place the first week in May, and is… Continue reading Lightfair International

RECon (Global Retail Real Estate)

The Global Retail Real Estate Convention, otherwise known as the RECon, is the leading convention for the retail real estate industry (shopping centers). Real estate professionals attend the conference for extensive networking, education, and deal-making opportunities. Over 1,000 exhibitors and over 30,000 attendees make the RECon the largest retail real estate convention in the world.… Continue reading RECon (Global Retail Real Estate)

Nightclub & Bar Convention & Trade Show

The Nightclub & Bar Convention & Trade Show has over 39,000 industry professionals attend each year.  This in conjunction with the 200,000+ establishments represented makes for a plentiful networking landscape.  The Nightclub & Bar Show is targeted towards any professionals who work at Bars, Pubs, Taverns, Nightclubs, Lounges, Restaurants, Sports Bars, Hotels, Resorts, Casinos, Agencies, and… Continue reading Nightclub & Bar Convention & Trade Show

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